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Monumental Disasters

THE DEMOCRATS AND REPUBLICANS have become so extreme in their positions, it seems they can no longer effectively govern. One only has to review a few examples to find evidence that prudence and fiscal responsibility have been left behind as they battle to gain (or maintain) power. The national debt is over $20.5 trillion and is now growing at a rate of almost $1 trillion per year. That’s about $172,000 for each household—but since only half pay taxes—the share rises to $340,000 per household this year. It will soon be over $500,000. This is unsustainable. Tax rates and debt will skyrocket—encouraging an eventual system collapse. And that’s the tip of the iceberg: There’s another $30.8 trillion in unfunded Social Security obligations, $34.6 trillion in obligations for current Medicare participants, and $9.2 trillion for items not counted in the national debt, like federal employee retirement benefits. It will take all taxes just to pay these debts. There will no money left for defense, infrastructure, or a multitude of other services. And the two parties seem to be doing little to address it.

Beyond the debt, there are other things in 
neglect. A college education has increased by 1000% 
since 1980. Congress spends $21.7 million per day 
on themselves. They have only passed a budget four

times in the last 40 years. And bureaucrats write nearly 81,000 pages of new regulations per year. Many seem focused on merely being re-elected. The national debates are merely speeches. There seems to be a dearth of true leadership in Washington.

A Possible Solution: Put Country Over Party. Democrats and Republicans vote the party line 90% of the time. It’s a way to pay off the parties for election support as well as add ‘pork’ for their districts. A vote for them seems like a vote for more of the same.

On the other hand, Independents are independent—they can gather information in their districts and vote free of party affiliations. Most importantly, a few can deny either national party a majority. In this way, we can demand compromise, enforce spending limits, and generally do what our leaders are elected to do.

You can help make this happen. Unite America has begun to identify and encourage Independent candidates at local, state, and national levels. We could use your support in finding qualified candidates, organizing independent campaigns, and bringing major issues to light. For more information on how you can get involved, please visit
